Learn memorably

Tools for Teaching
English: Efficiently

An innovative whiteboard saving you time with instant gaps, popup hints, highlights, revision reminders, AI text and more!

How it Works
1. Create: Quickly
Create text content yourself, by pasting, or with the AI generator, then choose from a range of interactive gaps and highlights.
2. Connect: Easily
Present on a TV, projector or shared screen during lessons. Once synchronised, students can access the content whenever they like.
3. Revise: Effectively
Students can load lesson material instantly. Interactive gaps promote Active Recall while notifications support Spaced Repetition.
How it Helps

Lesson Prep


Built for




Try the AI
The demo uses ChatGPT 3.5. When signed up teachers have access to ChatGPT 4.
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What They Say
StudyBoards is magic! I'm glad to have opportunity to use such an effective tool. ...
Lusine Hovhannisyan, student, Armenia
0% prefer StudyBoards to traditional whiteboards.
Scored 0% better for revision than paper exercises.
0% average score given for ease-of-use.
0% say it helps their progress.
Contact Form
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  • StudyBoards is in latter stages of development and testing. For now, the platform is free if you would like to trial it in beta, in exchange for your feedback.
    With your feedback and suggestions, we can make it an even more effective tool to assist teachers and students of English. Thank you for your interest!